Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Little Pre-Field Preview

I wasn't able to post this before I left for the field because I didn't have the right card reader for the pictures, but I thought I'd give a little show and tell about what it's like before we go into the field.

When we get to the office, the first thing we do is see what needs to be done. Usually, we'll end up helping with the resupply for the group - bringing out the weekly supply of food and anything else the group needed or called in.

 We have to get changed into our field gear...

Fortunately, we don't have to worry too much if we look ridiculous because we all do. No matter what. I've learned to embrace it. :)

Before Rolling
After Rolling

Roll our packs 

And then we take care of whatever else needs to be done and we head out to the field!


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